Community Guidelines

Last Modified: Dec 24, 2024

Table of Contents

💡 *Noted that your post can accidentally be flagged by our automated content moderation system. If this is the case, please keep in mind that having some false positives is much more better than having no automated moderation system at all for the sake of our users safety. However, we don't recommend reposting the same thing again.* ⚠️ Violation may result in content removal, account suspension, or termination.
Special Guidelines: No NSFW content is allowed until further notice (it will be allowed in future), uploading it will lead to violation.

🙂 Primary Guidelines

Guidelines that applies to everyone

Posting Posts

  • Text: Do not post harmful, offensive, or inappropriate content. This includes spam, phishing, political, hate speech, harassment, threats, violence, racial slurs, and similar content.
  • Media (Grid Editor): Strictly follows Spoilers, Sensitive, and AI-Generated rules.
  • Topic: Make sure that your post is related to the topic(s) you are posting in.
  • Note: Also make sure your post does not fall in Problematic Tactics categories or similar (we'll continue to update this list).


  • Spoilers: Content that contains spoilers must be tagged properly to avoid violation, this rule is even strictier when episode/chaper/volume is recently released within 2 weeks.
  • Tagging: Use ||SPOILER TAG|| or tag the media as "Spoilers" in the Grid Editor. Provide a clear and short context like "Oshi no Ko EP1 Spoilers" or "Mushoku S2 EP22 Spoilers".
  • Disclaimers: For discussions containing spoilers, start with a clear heading such as "SPOILERS WARNING" or similar.
  • Strong Violation: Posting unlabelled spoilers of content that was released no more than 2 weeks. This may lead to violation.
  • Visibility: Make sure that the spoiler text is fully visible and fit within grid nodes, other wise it is a violation.


⚠️ This is a very grey area, judgment will varies.
  • Sensitive ❌: Strong graphic violence, gore, blood, wars, mutilation, and similar content are NOT allowed.
  • Sensitive ✅: Very little or moderate violence, blood, and similar are allowed if marked as "Sensitive" in the Grid Editor. *Noted that it does not matter if it is a strong or mild; Real or Near Realistic violence, blood, gore, and similar ARE NOT allowed and will be removed immediately following with the account termination.*
  • NSFW: Fictional anime-related nudity or sexual content are allowed if marked as "R-18" in the Grid Editor. Real nudity or sexual content are not allowed.


🔴 This is strict and clear.
  • Generative AI (images): These are NOT allowed to be uploaded. Uploading it will lead to violation, only exception are profile pictures.
  • Generative AI (texts): Do not use AI to generate full Anime reviews, or any other type of essays that are useful for others. You can use AI to help you with grammar correction, transation, or making some sentences clearer. But you cannot use it to generate most of the paragraph content, this will lead to violation.

Profile Username & Others

  • Trademark and Impersonation: Profile info must not infringe on trademarks, impersonate others, or promote brands unless you are an official representative.
  • Appropriateness: Usernames, display name, bio must not contain inappropriate content such as sexual, spoilers, offensive, racial slurs, ethnic, religious, political, or personal information.

Profile Avatar & Banner

  • Trademark and Impersonation: Profile pictures must not infringe on trademarks, impersonate others, or promote brands unless you are an official representative.
  • Appropriateness: Avatars and banners must not contain sponudity, sexual content, spoilers, political, religious, or offensive content.

😕 Different type of accounts

Type of accounts that require special guidelines

Anime Dailies

Account that share other artists artwork, example (Daily Genshin Impact, Daily Megumin, ...). 💡We think this is a fun way to share artworks or media in one place, however you will be required to attach the artists name in the post; better if linked to their social accounts to respect the creator. 💡If artist has requested you to have their artwork removed then you must remove them immediately. ❕Otherwise, this is a violation.

Anime News

Account that share news such as anime upcoming releases, adaption or updates. 💡This rule is not enforced that strictly unless your account is causing multiple or major misinformation problem. 💡The post must contain links of trusted news source, such as article or source blog. ❕Otherwise, this is a violation.

😕 Problematic Tactics

Type of accounts that we don't welcome here

Engagement Manipulation

Mass replying on others posts with goals to gain engagements. aka "Engagement farming". ❕This is a violation.

Spreading Misinformation

Spreading shocking misinformation with goals to gain engagements and cause major conflicts among others. ❕This is a violation (on severe cases).

Rage Baiting

Spreading extreme and intentional controversial opinion with goals to make majority of people angry. ❕This is a violation (on severe cases).

Impersonation or Parody accounts

Impersonation of specific person or celebrity with goals to confuse people and painting bad reputations. (expection for fictional characters with no relationship with real persons for parody accounts) ❕This is a violation.

Promotion and Advertising

Account that its entire existence is to spam unwated promotional content or advertisements on their account or other places. ❕This is a violation.

Posting exclusive or paid content publicly

Posting exclusive content publicly such as but not limited to Patreon, Fanbox, Gumroad, etc...; without a proper permissions from the creator. ❕This is a violation.

Crypto Promotion

Posting or spamming posts anything related to crypto product or services with intention to scam or not scam others. ❕This is a violation. Thank you for checking out the community guidelines! If you see other people accidentally breaking these rules, please kindly remind them :) Stay safe and we hope that you'll enjoy your time here ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ bocchi