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Place for Anime lovers,

Share artworks, follow people, explore anime trends, or just chilling with others~ whatever!

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Why this exists?

It's a casual & fun place for Anime fans to engage and share their hobby or interests together... That's pretty much what it is!

We have no tolerance over politics, AI, spoilers, toxicity, and more. AniTX is a safe platform for everyone.

? Users? Posts
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Your Grid, Your Design

Resize & fit the images inside the grid perfectly as you wanted for your post, The layout possibility is endless... 🎨 (art by @yo_mi_chi000)

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Tenor GIFs

Ran out of things to say? Drop a gif to express your emotions.


Boundary between different (Anime/Manga/Game) communities, you can visit or create posts within these.

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Who to follow?

Follow some people to see some results.

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What's Trending!?!

Each Topic has its own trending ecosystem.

Search Discovery

Search posts, users, or topics across the entire platform! Easily find posts relavent to your search.

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Analytics & Metrics

See historical metrics & insights for your account! Charts are pretty cool to look at aren't they?

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@ Your Profile

Public profile that anyone can visit and see what you’re up to! You can hide certain things using the privacy settings.

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Request Topics

Can't find the Topic you were looking for? We have a dedicated page just for requesting those missing Topics to be added.

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Beta Discovery (New)

Let's grow together from here! Explore recent posts from the entire platform and see people within your community circle!

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Oh wait... not very exciting? Sorry :(

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What are you waiting for?

Let's make this an amazing place for Anime fans

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We’re really small!

"We're" haha! That's just me, Hey! I'm a self-taught developer who like building cool stuff. Nice to meet you! :)

I spent about 2 years building AniTX from ground up (2022-12-02T11:39:21Z - first commit), there were many code and design decision refactoring but wow! I completed my goal of building a social networking site specifically for Anime that is fun to use. I wanted this to become a great and welcoming place for new Anime fans or casual people like you to engage with the community in this friendly place because I myself find it is very difficult to connect with other Anime fans without getting disengaged by spoilers or weird posts, and I have to hope that my post will be seen by others in an overly saturated platform like Twitter (X) where there's no clear seperation between anime series, this is not the way I wished it to be at all for Anime fans. Right now I am in the process of promoting AniTX and getting the words out about it to Anime fans, it's difficult to do this without spending a ton of money but I'll work with what I have. I still have a lot of plans for AniTX's future if it started getting more users. Ideas like: "My Anime Profile" to show off your fav waifu/anime/genres visually as a book shape, "MAL/AniList sync" show off your Anime/Manga progress directly on AniTX, Subscribe to your favourite creators for exclusive content, Global art board for verified artists to join and draw together, and many more cool ideas I wanted to build for platform that was made just for Anime.

If you have any questions or feedback hit me up on the Discord Server! Always happy to hear what you'd think about AniTX.

❤️ Made with Love ❤️